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This input is used to update an existing product. All fields are optional. You can update only the fields you need. If you don't want to update a field, just don't pass it in the input.

input UpdateProductInput {
name: String
category: String
brandDisplayName: String
private: Boolean
type: ProductType
price: Float
length: ProductLength
fitOption: FitOption
garmentPlacement: GarmentPlacement
sleeveLength: SleeveLength
externalUrl: String

Fields ● String scalar

String representation of the name of the product. You can use real product names from your catalog or use your imagination. E.g. 'Jacquard knitted cardigan', 'Slim fit jeans', 'Cotton t-shirt'.

UpdateProductInput.category ● String scalar

Product category. Can be any non-empty string. E.g. 'Cardigan', 'Jeans', 'T-shirt'.

UpdateProductInput.brandDisplayName ● String scalar

That field represents brand name if product is created for the member.

UpdateProductInput.private ● Boolean scalar

That field defines if product will be visible in the list of all products.

UpdateProductInput.type ● ProductType enum

Type is a crucial and required for generation process. It defines the type of the product. E.g. 'TOP', 'BOTTOM'.

UpdateProductInput.price ● Float scalar

Represents the real price of the product. In USD, e.g. 49.99.

UpdateProductInput.length ● ProductLength enum

Represents the length of the product. It's is preferable to have that field set for your product because it helps to improve try on quality.

UpdateProductInput.fitOption ● FitOption enum

Represents how product should fit on the body. It helps our algorithm to generate better try on results with desired product fit.

UpdateProductInput.garmentPlacement ● GarmentPlacement enum

Represents the placement of the garment on the body. Please choose the most suitable option for your product. 'STRAPLESS', and 'SHOULDERS' should' be applied only for tops. 'HIGH_WAIST', 'LOW_WAIST', and 'REGULAR_WAIST' should be applied only for bottoms.

UpdateProductInput.sleeveLength ● SleeveLength enum

It represents the length of the sleeve. It helps our algorithm to generate better try on results with desired sleeve length.

UpdateProductInput.externalUrl ● String scalar

It is an url to the marketplace, shop, etc.

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updateProduct mutation