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This input is used to update an existing model.

input UpdateModelInput {
name: String
height: Float
heightUnit: HeightUnit
weight: Float
weightUnit: WeightUnit
gender: Gender
bodyType: BodyType
age: Int
skinTone: String

Fields ● String scalar

Name is a string that represents the name of the model.

UpdateModelInput.height ● Float scalar

Height is a float number that represents the height of the model.

UpdateModelInput.heightUnit ● HeightUnit enum

Height unit is an enum that represents the height unit of the model.

UpdateModelInput.weight ● Float scalar

Weight is a float number that represents the weight of the model.

UpdateModelInput.weightUnit ● WeightUnit enum

Weight unit is an enum that represents the weight unit of the model.

UpdateModelInput.gender ● Gender enum

Gender value helps to create more detailed generation results.

UpdateModelInput.bodyType ● BodyType enum

Body type is a field that defines body type mask for the generation.

UpdateModelInput.age ● Int scalar

Age field helps to generate try on with correct skin texture.

UpdateModelInput.skinTone ● String scalar

Skin tone is a string that represents the skin tone of the model. It accepts HEX color.

Member Of

updateModel mutation