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Step 3. Create Try On

After creating product, product image and model you can generate try on by using the generateTryOn mutation. For our example we will be using TOTAL_LOOK product - 'suit'. If you want create try on with different combinations of tops and bottoms you will have to provide multiple products IDs as values to corresponding fields.

You need to provide from the product creation step and from the model creation step:

See full documentation for createTryOn mutation here.

mutation {
input: {
modelId: <MODEL_ID>
topProductId: <PRODUCT_ID>
) {

After successful mutation execution you will get taskID which you can use to get try on result. You need to poll the getTryOnResult query to get the result. If you are using Apollo Client you can use pollInterval option to poll the server with a specific interval.

getTryOn query returns generationResult that represents generation result and metadata such as: which products were used, which model was used, and result image url.

See full documentation for getTryOnResult mutation here.

See full documentation for generationResult here.

query {
getTryOn(taskID: <TASK_ID>) {
generationResult {

After some short period of time you will get image url in the resultImg field. You can use it to show the try on result to the user.

That's all! You have successfully created a try on with Genera API. Now you can show the result to the user and get feedback from them.