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Step 1. Create a product

For successful try on generation you need to provide us multiple products or full look item.

Firstly, you need to create product with product image. You can do this by using the createProduct mutation. At this step we will only need product id to create image for it and generate try on.

See full documentation for createProduct mutation here.

mutation {
input: {
name: "Tom Ford Suit"
brandId: <YOUR_BRAND_ID>
category: "suits"
type: "TOTAL_LOOK"
price: 3,650
fitOption: "FIT"
sleeveLength: "LONG"
externalUrl: ""
) {

After successfully creating a product you need to create product image with returned newly created Please consider that we are using Upload. It's not part of the GraphQL specification itself, but is an extension provided by some GraphQL server implementations, such as Apollo Server. You can use some libraries like apollo-upload-client to send files to the server. Or you can use fetch or axios to send files to the server with multipart/form-data content type.

See full documentation for createProductImage mutation here.

mutation {
input: {
productId: <PRODUCT_ID>
data: <File, multipart/form-data>
type: ["TRY_ON"]
) {

If mutation succeed the new try on product image will be attached to the product. To check it you can use the getProduct query.

query {
getProduct(id: <PRODUCT_ID>) {
images {