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Product is a central entity in Genera system. It represents a single item or a total look item. It has a lot of fields that help to generate better try on results. The more fields you fill, the better results you get.

type Product {
id: ID!
name: String!
brand: Brand
brandDisplayName: String
private: Boolean
category: String!
type: ProductType!
price: Float
length: ProductLength
fitOption: FitOption
garmentPlacement: GarmentPlacement
sleeveLength: SleeveLength
externalId: String
externalUrl: String
status: ProductStatus!
images: [ProductImage!]

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Autogenerated unique uuid. ● String! non-null scalar

Name is a string that represents the name of the product. E.g. 'Jacquard knitted cardigan', 'Slim fit jeans', 'Cotton t-shirt'.

Product.brand ● Brand object

That field represents the relation to some brand. Product should be connected to brand.

Product.brandDisplayName ● String scalar

That field represents brand name if product is created for the member.

Product.private ● Boolean scalar

That field defines if product will be visible in the list of all products.

Product.category ● String! non-null scalar

Product category. Can be any non-empty string. E.g. 'Cardigan', 'Jeans', 'T-shirt'.

Product.type ● ProductType! non-null enum

Type is a crucial field for generation process. It defines the type of the product. E.g. 'TOP', 'BOTTOM'.

Product.price ● Float scalar

Price of the product. In USD. E.g. 49.99.

Product.length ● ProductLength enum

Length of the product. It's is preferable to have that field set for your product because it helps to improve try on quality.

Product.fitOption ● FitOption enum

How product should fit on the body. It helps our algorithm to generate better try on results with desired product fit.

Product.garmentPlacement ● GarmentPlacement enum

Placement of the garment on the body. Please choose the most suitable option for your product. 'STRAPLESS', and 'SHOULDERS' should be applied only for tops. 'HIGH_WAIST', 'LOW_WAIST', and 'REGULAR_WAIST' should be applied only for bottoms.

Product.sleeveLength ● SleeveLength enum

Length of the sleeve. It helps our algorithm to generate better try on results with desired sleeve length.

Product.externalId ● String scalar

Reference product ID to the record in your system.

Product.externalUrl ● String scalar

Url to the marketplace, shop, etc.

Product.status ● ProductStatus! non-null enum

Status of the product. It can be 'ENABLED' or 'ERROR'.

Product.images ● [ProductImage!] list object

Array of all related images. Only image with 'TRY_ON' type can be used for try on generation.

Returned By

createProduct mutation ● product query ● updateProduct mutation

Member Of

ProductMap object ● ProductPage object